It’s been a very long time since I wrote a favourite posts article and writing this one reminds me how much I miss the simpler times. I used to spend hours checking out the personal finance blogosphere; take in the words of wisdom from my favourite financial stalwarts and then share all of that goodness with my readers. Back then I was on the Yakezie tip and I was pushing hard to make this blog something worthwhile.
I’m grateful for those early years of blogging, where I got my feet wet. I dived into the blogging world and I have not looked back since. I’ve been blessed with so many opportunities as a result of what I started with a lowly domain name, cheap web hosting and a free WordPress theme. That was the beginning of a new life for me and I would not change any of it.
Getting Back on Track
So to get back on track, and to get back into the habit of reading personal finance, business and finance blogs regularly, I’ve decided to feature some of the posts that I found to be really helpful to me. I’m not sure how often I will be writing these types of posts, but you can be sure that they will be beneficial to you.
Because I started this blog with inspiration from other personal finance blogs, it’s only fair that I feature them. These blogs played a major role in my development as a personal finance blogger and writer. Interacting with them in various ways over the years has had a positive impact on what goes on here at little old Odd Cents.
Favourite Posts from the Financial Stalwarts
Here are some recent posts from the financial stalwarts that caught my eye:
Budgets Are Sexy: Hack #1308: Put yourself in situations where you can’t even spend if you wanted to!:
Are you a spending addict who struggles to stay away from stores? According to this post on Budgets Are Sexy, you have to make spending that no-spend money an uncomfortable chore, that will make you change your mind about spending.
Financial Samurai: The Importance Of Feeling Consistently Uncomfortable For Personal And Financial Growth
Have you ever noticed that you are more inclined to fight harder if you’re in the midst of pain and discomfort? Financial Samurai, through an insightful personal experience, explains that overcoming hardship is a gift and maybe without those experiences, there would be no Financial Samurai.
Money Cactus: How to Research and Choose a Loan Right For You
Choosing a loan is easy. Choosing the right loan requires some research and consideration. According to Money Cactus, choosing the right loan starts with determining what a good loan looks like, and figuring out if you really need a loan.
Money Crashers: Is Hiring a Home Cleaning Service or Maid Worth It? – Pros & Cons
If your pets live inside your home, you may need to employ some additional help from experiences cleaners to get your home sparkling. If you’re thinking about hiring a cleaning service, you should consider the points raised in this Money Crashers post.
Wise Bread: The Pros and Cons of Paying Off Your Debt Early
Are you trying to decide whether it would be better to pay off your mortgage now or let it run its course? This insightful article by Wise Bread, may help you to make up your mind. It examines the pros and cons for paying down debt and provides in depth food for thought.
The Simple Dollar: 16 Little Perks I Use To Boost My Mood When I’m Down Without Spending Money
Living an unfulfilling life is something that many of us struggle with every day. The good news is that you don’t need to spend money to get back on track and fight those feelings of depression. The Simple Dollar offers 16 tips, many of which I’ve used, to help improve your mood.
Get Rich Slowly: By the numbers: My spending for January 2019
Living an accountable personal finance life means that you take stock of all aspects of your finances. This post demonstrates the importance of tracking your spending, no matter where you are financially.
Living Your Best Life Starts With No More Excuses @ Making Sense of Cents
I am a very lazy person and I often prefer to spend time in my bed. But the goals that I created, required action and dedication. I stopped making excuses and got my act together very quickly.
Money Q and A: Should You Have a Backup Plan Before Retiring Early?
I’m always talking about the importance of creating a backup plan for your “main job” because you just never know what could happen. This article reminds me that I need to think about a backup plan for retirement.
The Frugal Toad: 6 Things You Need to Do to Prep for Retirement
I’ve been thinking about my retirement a lot over the last few weeks and this article is right on time. One of the points in this article that caught my eye was the importance of getting rid of your debt.
As I mentioned earlier, these are the financial stalwarts who inspired me to keep writing. I’m so happy to see that they are still around and offering personal finance advice that anyone can use. Sure, some of them may look a bit different, but it’s clear that they’re still dedicated to helping readers by offering solid personal finance tips that change lives for the better.