Are you dealing with financial stress because of the pandemic? Learn how to reduce stress about money and find peace from the articles featured in this link roundup.
It’s March 2021 and we can safely say that we have been dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic for over a year. This has been a draining time that has been stressful emotionally, financially and physically. People have lost their jobs, which has impacted everything from their ability to provide food, clothing and shelter for their families. It is an ongoing disaster.
I found an interview that I did with the Debt Free Black Girl a couple years ago, where we talked about the link between mental health and financial challenges. It is a fact that stress from money and finances can affect your health. This can lead to health issues such as mental health breakdowns and chronic health problems.
How to Reduce Stress About Money
It’s not easy to get over stress, especially when your worries consume every thought. They affect your thoughts, eating habits, sleep patterns and make a total mess of your life. I found some great articles that offer some great advice about reducing money stress.
1. 10 Ways to Curb Financial Anxiety When You’re Stressed About Money (Money Crashers)
When you feel as though your money issues are too much to handle, always remember that you are in control. You have the poswer to make a change. Some of my favourite tips to reduce stress about money in this article from Money Crashers, are to focus on the positive; stop comparing yourself to others and see a financial advisor for financial advice.
2. 4 Simple Ways to Relieve Money Stress (Very Well Mind)
Very Well Mind makes it clear that even though many of use dream of winning the lottery, more money will not bring us more happiness or reduce or stress. If you’re worrying about your finances, the article suggests some very solid things that you can do. My favourite tip which is probably the hardest one of them all is to cut down on your debt.
3. 10 Strategies to Reduce Money Stress and Improve Your Finances (Quick and Dirty Tips)
Solving your money pain starts with finding out the root of your money stress. According to Quick and Dirty Tips, one of the widespread problems that causes financial stress is living above your means. The article recommends that you should cut back on your expenses, stop caring about other people’s opinions and take a stress break if money is ruining your life.
4. Dealing With Financial Stress (American Psychological Association)
Results from the American Psychological Association’s 2020 Stress in America survey reveal that approximately 64% of Americans report feeling stressed about money. These are scary statistics that show many people are struggling with money stress. To deal with financial stress one of tips that the APA recommends is to make one financial decision at a time.
5. Coping With Financial Stress (Help Guide)
Money stress knows no boundaries and affects people from all walks of life. This is a very difficult time and we are all feeling it either mentally or physically. Help Guide says that financial stress can result in unhealthy coping methods, anxiety, physical ailments, insomnia, and depression. One of the ways to deal is to take steps to manage your stress over time.
6. 9 Stress-Reducing Truths About Money (Becoming Minimalist)
Figuring out how to reduce stress about money starts with figuring the reasons why. Becoming Minimalist delves into this via a recent survey and the results are telling. Many households are living paycheck to paycheck and are battling rising credit debt. This article is a really good read because it shares some thought-provoking truths about money. Did you know that money a merely a tool?
7. Expert Tips on How to Cope with the Coronavirus-Related Money Stressors (CNBC)
Since the year started, my mind has been in overdrive about COVID-19. It’s like a never-ending horror movie that keeps you up at night. CNBC shares that Americans are going through it and their mental health is taking a toll. If you’re worried about not having enough savings, losing your job or not being able to pay your debts, then you have to read this.
8. 10 Ways to Make Financial Stress… Well, Less Stressful (Greatist)
There are too many stories of people who appeared to have it all together, and then one event occurred and changed their lives. Dr. Zlatin Ivanov says that the most financially responsible person can be plunged into financial duress from an unexpected expense or event. If you are in this position, take a look at these ten ways to reduce stress about money.
I was feeling overwhelmed with the rising coronavirus deaths and the impact on businesses and my job. So I stopped watching the news. I could not take it anymore. Then one day I shared how I was feeling with a close friend. It felt like a weight was lifted from my shoulders. If you feel as though you’re suffering and your stress is too overbearing, find someone to talk to. Do not continue on this path alone. There is always someone who is willing to help and who can help.