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Weekly Report – 29 April 2012

I have a confession. Remember in a previous Weekly Report I made a list of all of the things that I wanted to do. Well, the confession is that I failed miserably. I did not do what I wanted to in the way that I wanted to do it. Let me explain by breaking down each of the items that I wanted to accomplish.

  1. Write at least 5 posts for Odd Cents- I wanted to create a reserve of 5 articles for when I go on vacation or have assignments or exams. FAIL. I have ideas and topics, but no articles.
  2. Get back to blog loving and supporting – The aim was to be consistent over the two week period. I tried this a couple days, but soon fell off. FAIL.
  3. Write at least 5 posts for the Barbados Travel Blog- This is the biggest FAIL because I only succeeded in writing one article. Sigh.
  4. Work on a new idea for the travel blog – I wanted to get all of my ideas documented, buy the domain name and create a mini-business plan. FAIL. The ideas are still in my head.
  5. Write two short stories for upcoming competitions – I have a couple stories that I had started, so I just needed to finish them off. FAIL.
  6. Submit at least one research proposal to a not-for-profit organisation – The good news is that I started and I have passed the halfway mark (It was a lot more work than I expected). SEMI-FAIL.

I spent my “vacation” watching television, discovering new websites, sleeping and just relaxing. I decided that I should still push to get these things completed, but I will have to create another schedule…. sigh.

Favourite Websites of the Week of 29 April 2012

I came across a few websites this week that were truly inspiring. It made me think of how lucky I am and how I should be thankful for the little things too.

*** Warning – Some of these sites will make you cry ***

  1. Oh She Glows – Vegan recipes that are very exciting and yummy.
  2. The Welcome Home Blog – Surprise videos of US troops returning home.
  3. Hooked on Houses – Julia is a professional blogger hooked on houses.
  4. Brown Girl Next Door – A great lifestyle blog featuring fashion, entertainment and food.
  5. Study Spanish – A free Spanish resource that I’m definitely going to use.
  6. Avery’s Bucket List – No words can describe this, please see for yourself.

Happy reading!